Re: Petition letter requesting President Kiir to take a disciplinary action against Hon. Marial Benjamin and apologise to the people...
By Abel Majur Leek, Juba, South Sudan One nation, one people, one tribe March 22, 2016 (SSB) ---- Politics divides...
SPLM-FD (G-10) condemns Marial Benjamin for calling Luka Biong a "Sudanese Nationals" and calls upon him to resign immediately from...
This statement quoted Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Barnaba Marial Benjamin referring to Dr. Luka Biong Deng, a son...
By Awut Mayom Agok, Paris, France Awut Mayom Agok, a South Sudanese student in Paris, France March 22, 2016 (SSB) ...
By Garang Biar, Juba, South Sudan March 22, 2016 (SSB) ---- I am reacting to the statement released by the...
Abraham Majur Mading, Kampala, Uganda March 22, 2016 (SSB) --- I am very concern with this current situation of South...
‘‘It is clear to me that an African writer, Youth leader and citizen who tries to avoid the contemporary social...
Press Release: Gogrial State Youth dismiss the petition and charges labeled against the state Governor Hon. Abraham Gum Makuac as...
By Luka Manyang Kuol, Nairobi, Kenya March 22, 2016 (SSB) ---- The farewell party event which took place in Nairobi,...