By David Chol One Year Annniversary of SBS DINKA Radio:Hey Bol you better stay away from messing up with SBS...
Biar John, Australia Gossip and Rumors among South Sudanese Communities in AustraliaDo you remember the article titled ‘gossips and rumours...
Return In Peace (R.I.P) Dr. John Garang de Mabioor (Paperback) – July 30, 2014 ($21.94), by PaanLuel Wël (Author) -----...
By Bol GarangSouth Sudanese communities have agonized and are still suffering on the hands of their own people whether rebels,...
By Kur Wel Kur This is Palotaka (Omere Camp) in Acholiland, EES (1994)....courtesy of Pende Ng'oong.“In Eastern Equatoria, lies Palotaka...
By Daniel Machar Dhieu There have been persistent and prolific publications and utterances on Federalism by some leaders of South Sudan...
By Kur Wel KurAs I wrote the story of the first Palotaka boys’ journey, a story of ‘Nyan de Juan’,...
By Wenne Madyt Dengs-Never weep on my tombYou laughed and weep at onceYou had time that you weep tears of...
Swear-in ceremony for Sherkat New elected leaders will take place on Sudan 7th September 2014By Daniel Machar Dhieu All residing communities of...
By Malith Alier, Juba David Yau-Yau, the Murle militia leader who led a military rebellion against the gov't of South...