By James Gatdet Dak Lampuar, Juba, South Sudan Saturday, August 15, 2020 (PW) — For those who have been asking...
By Malong Akoch, Juba, South Sudan Saturday, August 15, 2020 (PW) — J1 and their cronies are quiet as if... Attached was my position paper to the Primate and the House of Bishops it was Published on 1st...
By Manyuon Mayen Manyuon, Juba, South Sudan Friday, August 14, 2020 (PW) — Unlike in the Western World, where politics is...
"Change hurts. It makes people insecure, confused, and angry. People want things to be the same as they've always been,...
By Joseph Oduha, Nairobi, Kenya Friday, August 14, 2020 (PW) — The gluttony to accumulate oil wealth by South Sudan ruling cliques has proven chilling...
Implications of Climate Change in Coupled Human and Natural Systems: The Sudd Sustainable Development: Contextualizing the Current Flooding Levels in South Sudan...
By Beek Mabior, Nairobi, Kenya Wednesday, Augmented 12, 2020 (PW) — Agriculture is the backbone for the economy in any...
Updates on Tonj Clashes Eighty One (81) Killed and in Tonj ClashesA total of 81 people died following two days...
An Everlasting Gift of the Lion to the People of Apuk By Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia Monday, August 11, 2020...