PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

To AU Commission of Inquiry: There are SEVEN MASSACRES in South Sudan since 1984

By David Aoloch Bion

Does AU Commission of Inquiry into South Sudan crisis know that, there have been seven massacres in South Sudan  since 1984? Well, if you don’t know  , here are they .

1984 ,  when fighting broke out between  the SPLM/A and  Anya Anya Two ,  many civilian were massacred  . This was first killing of civilians in South Sudan political conflict.   This is known  Jongkou Massacre.

In 1985, when fighting broke out between SPLM/A Koryom Battalion   and Aringa forces of the current Governor of Central Equatoria Clement Wani Konga  , many civilians were massacred   . This was the second killing of civilians in South Sudan political conflict.  This is known  Terekaka Massacre.

In 1987, when fighting broke out between SPLM/A and Forces of Ismael Kony , many civilians were massacred   . This was third killing of civilians in South Sudan political   conflict.  This is known Pibor Massacre.

In 1991, when fighting broke out between SPLA Torit and SPLA Nasir , many civilians were massacred   . This was fourth killings of civilians in South Sudan political conflict. This is  known as  Bor Massacre .

1993, when fighting broke out between SPLM/A mainstream and SPLM/A of William Nyuon Bany  and Glario Modi ,  many civilians were massacred   in Magwi , Ipoto areas in Equatoria . This was the fifth killings of civilians in South Sudan political conflict.  This is known Imatong  Massacre .

In 2002 , when fighting broke out between SPLM/A mainstream and SPLM/A of  Cdr Peter  Lorot  in Chukudum , many civilians were massacred , including  one and only educated man of the smallest tribe  in South Sudan , Pari tribe , Peter Kedi , who  was shot dead  in his house . This was the sixth killing of civilians in South Sudan political conflict .  This is known as   Chukudum .Massacre .

In 2013, when fighting broke out between the SPLM/A of Salva Kiir and SPLM/A of  Riek Machar  in Juba , many civilians were massacred  .  This was seven killing of civilians in South Sudan political conflict. This is known Juba Massacre.

Therefore ,  AU  Commsision  of Inquiry must investigates all these seven massacres and come up with comprehensive reports and recommendation instead it investigate one massacre .

South Sudanese will not accept the selective reports and recommendations  of one massacre , the Juba Massacre.

AU  should start it works of justices and accountability from 1984 massacre  to 1985  massacre , from  1987 massacre  to  1991 massacre,   from  1993  massacre to  2002 massacre  and  to 2013 Massacre . Justices must be in chronological order.

If you start with Juba Massacre, it is inconsistent and politically motivated, biased and a work of undisclosed foreign powers, that deem to punish some people in South Sudan.

From disinterested point of view, there is one solution to massacres in South Sudan, forgiveness, peace and reconciliation, and the writing  of law  ,  that any one that will commit a  massacre after the law  will be hanged .

If you AU are for justice, justice must begin with 1984 massacre to 2013 Massacres. AU should not skip over other massacres and start with Juba massacre of 2013. This is inconsistent with justices. Justices must be universal not selective.

Those whose names will appear in that report and recommendation  MUST  defy and disobey that work of undisclosed foreign powers.

South Sudanese must reject selective justices of AU and their undisclosed foreign powers.. Justices must be universal not selective as that .

Solution to South Sudan massacre must come within South Sudan through reconciliation and forgiveness not from foreign witchhunts  and trials . Solution to South Sudan problems must not come from foreigners. One People, One Nation. One problem , one solution .


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