By Riak Marial Riak, Juba, South Sudan She sees with eye so pale When this Elysian wind burst the child...
PaanLuel Wël
By Mach Samuel Peter, Bor, Jonglei State Governor Philip Aguer of Jonglei state photo by Mach Samuel Peter Decree for...
By Deng Madut Akech, Juba, South Sudan The Republic of South Sudan January 1, 2017 (SSB) ---- I believe that...
By Wantonly Taara, Kampala, Uganda - Unknown destination, Unknown destination we lead, We have been lost from the start, Our...
"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with...
By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia December 31, 2016 (SSB) --- Within 20 minutes of his arrival, Zacchaeus contacted his...
By Kur John Aleu, Beijing, China December 30, 2016 (SSB) ---- Civilization is defined as the stage of human social development...
By Malual Bol Kiir, Kampala, Uganda December 30, 2016 (SSB) --- Previously, when I was a young boy, if I...
Doctrine of Suffering: Cor 4:9-10; 3:18. Why me? Why now? Why not others? What is God doing now? Are we...
By Simon Deng Kuol Deng, New York, USA Demo-cracy or Demo-crazy? Abstract December 29, 2016 (SSB) --- A political party...