PaanLuel Wël Media Ltd – South Sudan

"We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing" By Konstantin Josef Jireček, a Czech historian, diplomat and slavist.

PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB): The Best Articles, Writers, of the Year 2016

“We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much, with so little, for so long, we are now qualified to do anything, with nothing”

Prepared by Editorial Team: Kur Wël Kur, Emmanuel Ariech Deng and PaanLuel Wël

PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese Bloggers (SSB): The Best Articles, Writers, of the Year 2016

December 31, 2016 (SSB) — The year 2016, in some hours, will dwindle into the past, and the people of South Sudan, along with the rest of the world, will welcome 2017. Every New Year is a joyful celebration, a celebration of the last year achievements, achievements that include being alive and healthy, recognizing the selfless leaders, whether in journalism, governance, or other important issues such as women’s rights issues, economic growth, conflicts and peace.

This year, our country, with its suffering population, has been featured hundreds over hundreds of websites all over the world, mostly in bad light. However, PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese bloggers (SSB), our own website, occupies the central stage in publishing articles, which make sense of the dire situations in our beloved country. It is also an instrumental informant to South Sudanese worldwide because it publishes opinion articles and news commentaries from South Sudanese, both within and outside the country. These opinions explain the general and specific lives and situations of South Sudanese in countries such as Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, USA, and many other places where South Sudanese are taking refuge.

Today, PaanLuel Wël: South Sudanese bloggers (SSB) is celebrating the diverse and excellent works of some writers and acknowledging the work of other hundred contributors, columnists and opinions-writers whose names or works won’t appear in this article. We got lots of writers on our website, and it is imperative to motivate and encourage them with something unique to mark the end of the year 2016 and the commencement of the year 2017.

Here are the 2016 review:

Top 3 best female writers of the year 2016

  1. Miss Adol Makeny Dhieu (Sydney, Australia), with her article, “The Role of a Father in a Child Development and Behavior”
  2. Miss Awut Mayom Agok (Nairobi, Kenya), with her article, “How Inequality Undermines Growth and Hurts Everyone in South Sudan
  3. Miss Amer Mayen Dhieu (Brisbane, Australia), with her article, “Dowry Payment Should be Constitutionalized!”

Top 3 best male writers of the year 2016

  1. David Mayen Ayarbior (Juba, South Sudan), with his article, “The Tragic Story of South Sudan’s Security Dilemma”
  2. Kur Wël Kur (Adelaide, Australia), with his article, “Obituary: In Remembrance of Comrade John Wuoi Athieu
  3. Paul Logali (Juba, South Sudan), with his article “What derailed the journey to economic development in South Sudan?”

Top 10 best articles on peace and reconciliation of the year 2016

  1. Can the opposing Quartet of Riek, Lam, Pres. Kiir and Yau Yau work together to restore peace and stability in South Sudan?” by Luka Geng Geng, Wau, South Sudan
  2. Is the Call for National Dialogue a Bluff or Quest for National Peace Building?” by Wol Deng Atak, Nairobi, Kenya
  3. The moderating voice: Why being a Dinka or a Nuer is a double-edged sword?” by Ring Mayar, Canberra, Australia
  4. None but only South Sudanese can bring peace and reconciliation in their country” by Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda
  5. The Hype of Hatred vs. Identity (Part 1-8)” by Thiik Mou Giir, Melbourne, Australia
  6. President Kiir’s National Dialogue: Limitations and Recommendations” by Junior William Deng, Dar es Salam, Tanzania
  7. Enough is enough: We need to reflect on our destructive policies and divisive actions?” by William Abur, Melbourne, Australia
  8. War is a Nightmare: Let’s Start the Healing Process in South Sudan” By Kon Joseph Leek, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Why the Agreement on the Resolution of Conflict in South Sudan (ARCISS) FAILED” By Kuol K. Alberto, Juba, South Sudan
  10. Request: Hold peace conference for Jonglei and Boma states” By Philip Thon Aleu, Juba, South Sudan

Top 10 best articles on history and government of the year 2016

  1. Remembering and Congratulating ‘The Unsung Heroes’ of our Revolutionary Struggle (Part 1-3)” by Kur Garang Deng, Nairobi, Kenya
  2. Glimpse of History: Maker Jool Deng was not the only Martyr of May 16th Bor Uprising” by David Aoloch Bion, Bor, Jonglei state
  3. Polataka Face Foundation: Dr. John Garang’s Predictable Seeds for New Sudan (Part 1-8)” by David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan
  4. 50 Years without a Leader like Dr. John Garang: An Irrefutable Prediction!” By Emmanuel Ariech Deng, Juba, South Sudan
  5. July 9th and the beckoning of civic duty in South Sudan” By Amer Mayen Dhieu (Brisbane, Australia) and PaanLuel Wël (Juba, South Sudan)
  6. Why Genocide will never happen in South Sudan?” By Dr Isaac Ayii Ayii (PhD), Juba, South Sudan
  7. South Sudan, my Country: Nation at the Mercy of Madmen!” By Mayak Deng Aruei,  Arizona, USA
  8. In your proxy media war, stop attacking the personality of General Paul Malong Awan” By Bol Madut Ayii, Juba, South Sudan
  9. Where is regime politics: South Sudan is left at the hands of dangerous ethnic warlords” By Ariik Atekdit, Juba, South Sudan
  10. Dear Gen. Paul Malong Awan: An open letter to King Paul” By Deng Kur Deng, Pennsylvania, USA

Top 10 best articles on foreign policy and political events of the year 2016

  1. The Warning of Looming Genocide in South Sudan is a Mere Scam for Regime Change” by Hon. Taban Abel Aguek (MP), Yirol, South Sudan
  2. Why South Sudan’s Sovereignty is at Greater Risk Now” by Ariik Atekdit, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Instead of calling for UN Trusteeship, ‘take over temporarily’ Comrade Pagan Amum” by Deng Kur Deng, Pennsylvania, USA
  4. The politics and consequences of IGAD intervention in the Republic of South Sudan” by Hon Arop Madut-Arop, Nairobi, Kenya
  5. SPLM ruling party: The dereliction of duty and betrayal of the liberation struggle” by Pal Chol Nyan, Juba, South Sudan
  6. The politics of UN intervention in South Sudan: Making Sense of President Kiir’s speech to parliament” By Simon Yel Yel, Juba, South Sudan
  7. US foreign policy on South Sudan won’t change under Trump; it is about China” By Simon Deng Kuol Deng, New York, USA
  8. The Vitality of the Sentry Report” By Ajang Barach-Magar – Nairobi, Kenya
  9. Foreign intervention in South Sudan is likely to discredit UNMISS and destabilize regional stability” By Makwei Achol Thiong, Bor, Jonglei state (now in China)
  10. Princeton Lyman: South Sudan is not a failed state to be placed under UN-AU trusteeship” By Bol Madut Ayii, Juba, South Sudan

Top 10 best articles on oil and economy of the year 2016

  1. The impacts of foreign exchange auctions on the black market rate in South Sudan” by Michael Malaak Mayen, Juba, South Sudan
  2. President Kiir: We have been challenged economically as a nation” by Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Are South Sudan oil fields economically viable at the current oil prices?” by John Deng Ateny, Perth, Western Australia
  4. Hon. Stephen Dhieu Dau: High expectations to curb the current economic crises” by Maliap Madit Mabior, Kampala, Uganda
  5. We need qualified economists to relieve the nation from chronic economic crisis” by Daniel Machar Dhieu, Bor, South Sudan
  6. Can Nile- Pet Successfully Supply the Country With Enough Fuel?” By Thon Atem Ayiei, Juba, South Sudan
  7. The Broad-day Theft of Telecommunication Companies in South Sudan” By David Mayen Ayarbior, Juba, South Sudan
  8. Stop misleading the public: Creation of more states and counties is not one of the problems of South Sudan” By Daniel Juol Nhomngek, Kampala, Uganda
  9. Can the Oil Rent Buy Peace for South Sudan?” By Paul Logali, Logali House, Juba
  10. Festus Mogae: South Sudan Should not Expect Economic Revival by Outsiders” By Malith Alier, Juba, South Sudan

Top 10 best articles on Ethnicity, War and National Identity of the year 2016

  1. Aldo Ajou Deng: Education in our political history” by Aldo Ajou Deng, Juba, South Sudan
  2. An advice to Aldo Ajou Deng Akuey and JCE” by Makneth Aciek, Kampala, Uganda
  3. Who is behind the Yei-Juba and Nimule-Juba road attacks on innocent civilians?” By Dak Buoth, Nairobi, Kenya
  4. The gov’t should address the targeted killing of civilians on the Juba-Nimule-Yei Roads” By Daniel Machar Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan
  5. The Voice of patriotism in South Sudan” By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan
  6. The spirit of Borism, Twicism and Dukism is at a dreadful rise on social media” By Kur John Aleu, Beijing, China
  7. Youth for peace and reconciliation: Stop this wanton attack on innocent civilians” By Tito Awen Bol and Dut Mabior de Machine, Nakuru, Kenya
  8. The Sudan civil war, and those who poured their parental guidance into nurturing us, part 1-3” By Kur Wël Kur, Adelaide, Australia
  9. South Sudan: Where are the unknown gunmen coming from?” By Daniel Machar Dhieu, Juba, South Sudan
  10. Realpolitik and National Cohesiveness in the Republic of South Sudan (Part 1-2)” By HON AROP MADUT AROP (MP), Juba, South Sudan

Top 10 best poems and letters of the year 2016

  1. Letter of regret to President Salva Kiir: Why do you always change your position sir?” by Monychol Kulong, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Petition Letter: Dr. Marial Benjamin must apologize to the people of Abyei and resign from his ministerial post” by Mabor Majur Chadhuol, Juba, South Sudan
  3. Condolences to the bereaved Padang Dinka community! Condemn the act and punish the perpetrators!” by Sunday de John, Nairobi, Kenya
  4. POEM: YOUNG GOSS AND HER AGING SON” By Awuol Gabriel Arok, Juba, South Sudan
  5. POEM: THE REIGN OF SOUTH SUDAN” By Bush Akech Chol- Nairobi, Kenya
  6. “South Sudan: Devastation Born in Confusion” By Wantonly Taara, Kampala, Uganda
  7. RUINED BY THE SUN” By Wënnë Madyt Dengs, Juba, South Sudan
  8. Dr. John Garang: A Deserving Hero” By Atilieu Diing Akol, Kabarak, Kenya
  9. King Dunia” By Riak Marial Riak, Juba, South Sudan
  10. My Whining Head” By Joe Mabor, Malaysia

Top 5 best frequently read articles of the year 2016

  1. Dinka Community: The MTN of South Sudan?” by David Matiop Gai, Juba, South Sudan
  2. Supervision, functions and characteristics of a good supervisor” by William Bol Deng, Melbourne, Australia
  3. Federalism on Steroids: President Kiir Decrees 28 States for South Sudan” By PaanLuel Wel, Juba, South Sudan
  4. Inching Toward Plurality of Ideas: Dr. Majak’s response to Dr. Lam Akol” by Majak D’Agoôt, PhD, Juba, South Sudan
  5. 3 Reasons why Gen. Malong Awan is nicknamed as ‘King Paul’” by David Aoloch Bion, Kampala, Uganda
  6. Lost Boy’s Wife: Another Little Girl out of School” by Deng Kur Deng, Pennsylvania, USA

Top most influential remarks and speeches of the Year 2016

  1. President Kiir’s Speech: The Call for National Dialogue Initiative in South Sudan
  2. Speech by US ambassador, Molly McPhee, during JMEC plenary session in Juba
  3. Speech of the 1st VP Taban Deng Ghai at the UN General Assembly in New York
  4. John Kerry: There is a legal provision in the peace agreement to replace Riek Machar with Taban Deng Ghai as 1st Vice President
  5. Speech by Ador Thon-maketh during Lith payam’s thanksgiving ceremony in Kenya
  6. President Salva Kiir’s Speech during the arrival of Dr. Riek Machar in Juba after 28 months in the Bush
  7. President Kiir address to the transitional assembly: Response to the UNSC resolution

Top most prolific writers of the year 2016

  1. David Matiop Gai (57 articles)
  2. David Mayen Ayarbior (38 articles)
  3. Mach Samuel Peter (37 articles)
  4. Kon Joseph Leek (27 articles)
  5. Eligo Dak Buoth (26 articles)
  6. David Aoloch Bion (22 articles)
  7. Deng Kur Deng (20 articles)
  8. Thiik Mou Giir (20 articles)
  9. Pal Chol Nyan (20 articles)
  10. Kur Wël Kur (18 articles)
  11. Mading Abraham Majur (17 articles)
  12. Daniel Machar Dhieu (16 articles)
  13. Ariik Atekdit Mawien (15 articles)
  14. Daniel Juol Nhomngek (14 articles)
  15. Awuol Gabriel Arok (12 articles)
  16. Malith Alier Jok (11 articles)
  17. PaanLuel Wël (11 articles)
  18. Emmanuel Ariech Deng (10 articles)
  19. Samuel Reech Mayen (10 articles)
  20. Simon Yel Yel (9 articles)
  21. Simon Deng Kuol Deng (9 articles)
  22. Kuol K. Alberto (9 articles)
  23. Yach Atiop Yach (9 articles)
  24. Ring Mayar (8 articles)
  25. Junior William Deng (7 articles)
  26. Bol Madut Ayii (7 articles)
  27. Tito Awen Bol (7 articles)
  28. Awut Mayom Agok (6 articles)
  29. John Deng Ateny (6 articles)
  30. William Abur (6 articles)
  31. Job Kiir Garang (Kiir-Agou) (6 articles)
  32. Luka Geng Geng (5 articles)
  33. Kur John Aleu (5 articles)
  34. Thon Atem Ayiei (5 articles)
  35. Malek Cook-Dwach (5 articles)
  36. Tong Kot Kuocnin (5 articles)
  37. Amer Mayen Dhieu (4 articles)
  38. Emmanuel Sunday de John (4 articles)
  39. Ajang Barach-Magar (4 articles)
  40. Apioth Mayom Apioth (3 articles)
  41. Hon. Paul Logali (3 articles)
  42. Dr. Isaac Ayii Ayii (3 articles)
  43. Philip Thon Aleu (3 articles)
  44. Hon. Taban Abel Aguek (3 articles)
  45. Hon. Arop Madut Arop (3 articles)
  46. Makwei Achol Thiong (3 articles)
  47. Makneth Aciek (3 articles)
  48. Mayak Deng Aruei (2 articles)
  49. Kocrup Makuach Aleu (2 articles)
  50. Marol Ariech Mawien (2 articles)
  51. Manon Aleu Jok Aleu (2 articles)


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